An Autumn Bounty

We had a bit of a bountiful surprise this afternoon...or this morning...not sure when since everything was left outside of the gate and we didn't notice it until this afternoon.

Five banana boxes of corn on the cob...

Five 10-gallon pails of carrots...

Three 10-gallon pails of potatoes...

Four large boxes of beets...

Four large boxes of turnips rutabagas...

Two very large boxes of tomatoes...

Two large boxes of onions...

There were also several very large zucchini as well as several assorted squashs...squashes???  (How do you pluralize squash?  Do you even pluralize squash???  My little grammar professor is outside playing and not here for me to ask...)

So this afternoon Squirt and I have been shucking dirt off of the beets, turnips rutabagas and potatoes.  We've been cleaning onions and removing the greens.  Sorting tomatoes - there were already several ripe and ready in the box so we're going to have sliced tomatoes on toast for lunch tomorrow.

I have blanched the beets to make for easy skin removal and chopped them up and tossed the bags into the freezer...As I've done with the turnips rutabagas (I didn't bother cooking either the turnips rutabagas or beets since I usually toss them into soups or stews anyways).  The corn has been placed into bags and frozen.  The carrots and potatoes and onions are going to be moved to the basement for now and once the weather cools we'll be taking them to the garage for winter storage as the basement is warmer than the garage in the winter - but right now the garage is much warmer than the basement.

My hands are purple, green and black with dirt and have little cuts all over from the husking process (and a slice from when I was peeling the turnips rutabagas- I forgot how hard those babies are!!!)  My hands hurt from all the husking, peeling and cutting and are a little stiff now.  So much for crocheting this evening while I watch television.

Tomorrow I am going to cut up the zucchini and shred it up for baking over the winter.  Nothing makes a cake as moist as a cup or two of shredded zucchini.  It's also handy for tossing into soups and stir-fries even from the frozen state.

As for the other squash...I'm going to have to do some research and figure out exactly what they are before I will know what to do with them - cooking and storage wise.  I am pretty sure a couple of them are spaghetti squash but not sure about the others.

I don't know who dropped all this wonderful stuff off but I have to say...

Thank you.  Your generosity is more than appreciated. 

It wasn't what I had planned for the day but Squirt learned a few things...Such as painting with beet juice...all over the sidewalk...and we're hoping it does eventually rinse away since he also painted on the front door with it before I noticed what he was up to.

He learned about harvest and storage of food first hand rather than sitting at the table looking at books...

And while this was going on, someone was combining the field behind our house and we were outside shucking corn.

It was not only an Autumn Bounty for food...but an Autumn Bounty of learning just where food comes from.

And really, isn't that why we homeschool?
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